Brad Kubian Art Works
A Night at the CasbahPar 4Waiting for the Surf to Come InWelcome to EuropelandPenguins and UmbrellaCalla LiliesBird of ParadisePrairie Lily VaseDaisy CupWestern Red LilyDogwood FlowersIrisPtarmiganWascana LandscapesInterior Landscape
Early Work: Primarily prints
I started my formal training as a printmaker in the BFA program at the University of Regina. While not all of these pictures represent student works, they are all products of that period.

One of my early lithography assignments required a high contrast black and white source image. I felt that a penguin photo I found in the library might nicely serve that purpose. It did. And based on the success of that piece, I found myself returning to penguins as inspiration several times after that.

I also liked making pictures of flowers.